Our Tech and Science – ecologicca

Now Ecologicca! (formerly In The ClearZone)

Hydroxyls: The Science Behind Fresh, New Indoor Air

Hydroxyls - the science behind fresh, new indoor air

Tell me about...

how we currently breathe

90% of breaths are taken indoors

& indoor air is 2-5x more polluted than outdoor air

Indoor air rarely changes & is full of particles that are essential for life but that can be harmful.

These harmful particles create inflammation in the body, leading to or worsening illness & suppressing health. 

The air you breathe feeds every body system, from your nervous system to digestive system & everything in between.

Inflammation from food, lifestyle & drinks can cause or worsen illness, so why don't we consider inflammation caused by air? 

Hydroclear technology ™

That's where we come in!

We create new, fresh air indoors for healthier living (& our filters are better!)

Ecologicca's HydroClear Technology  filters out the tiniest particles, but also creates new, fresh air indoors - because sharing old, recycled air is like sharing a toothbrush with everyone in the room. 

Our filtration systems meet the highest standards, but our secret is tiny Hydroxyl particles that fill the room,  actively seeking out airborne contaminants where they are, in real time - something we call the
"Hunter vs. Gatherer" model. 

This is the same technology that NASA uses on the ISS
& Ecologicca is bringing this technology to you!

Hunter vs. Gatherer Model 

The key to active sanitization vs. passive purification

Purifiers & HVAC Systems = Gatherers

Existing systems passively purify

Just like our early ancestors' survival techniques, there are some who take passive approach & others who take an active approach.

Our current systems take a more passive approach. 
Air purifiers & ventilation systems swirl indoor air around, waiting for harmful particles to come to their filters. We call these, "Gatherer" & they passively purify the air. 
Most Gatherers use high quality filters but they do not address 
gas-based pollutants or create new air. 
This means they are intentionally pushing the air that your sick co-worker just breathed out past you to breathe in, before some of those larger particles travel through the building to get to the filters. 

Not great. 
Ecologicca = Hunter (a better Gatherer!)

Ecologicca Actively Sanitizes 

This method seemed a little... gross, so we came up with a new way of doing things!

For healthy, nutritious air, Ecologicca looked to NASA & Mother Nature. 
Our HydroClear Technology includes the highest standard of filters, to Gather better than the Gatherers, but we don't stop at this passive approach. 
Our products release tiny Hydroxyl particles, called "Nature's Detergent" by NASA. These particles are what you breathe in when you go to the mountains or out into nature & are the scientific reason for "fresh air". 
These Hydroxyls fill the room. finding and inactivating everything from bacteria & viruses, to mold, allergens & VOCs. 
Instead of relying on harmful particles to come to us, we take the battle to them and take them out of the air before they have a chance to travel through the room or building. 
These Hydroxyl particles change the chemical composition of the air, resulting in new, fresh air indoors! 

But don't take our word for it! 

Hydroxyls have a long history of making air healthy & clean!

The history of hydroxyls

Mother Nature's solution to clean air in our atmosphere – the detergent that sustains life. 


It's us against the rest.

We've combined the best features of other air purifiers (then added some extra!) into one product. 


Technology ™


Air Purifier 

UV-C Light 
Air Purifier 



Reduce pathogens in the air 

(Outside the device)


Reduce pathogens in the air 

(Inside the device)


VOCs & 

odour removal 

Removes pollen, dust, pet dander 

& allergens

Removes mold and fungi spores 

Safe for 

occupied spaces

Passive Sanitization 

(filtering of air) 

Automated & 

sensor driven controls

5 stage filtration

We take air purification seriously. 

Pollutants come in all shapes and sizes and we don't want to miss any of them. Our 5 stage filtration offers the most comprehensive level of cleaning.

The future you will thank you.

Your health made easy for you.  Subscribe & save with the Breeze today!

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Clear air, everyday